Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mike Regained

Samantha recently updated our family blog, so I thought that I needed to hop on this thing if I was going to keep up (and perhaps do more than three posts this year). Things have been busy for me, and I usually spend my free time playing with my kids, reading books, or playing guitar (sometimes all three of those activities at once). However, this year Samantha is planning on keeping me accountable on the communication front, so there may be more posts to come on this thing soon.
Quick recap of everything that has been going on with me: I finished an M.A. in the summer and walked in the graduation this December (thanks to everyone who came to congratulate me). In the meantime I have started a Th.M., which I should finish this May. Classes have been fun, and I have been able to take some good Old Testament backgrounds courses, even translating some ancient Aramaic and Moabite. Titus started going to preschool on Fridays, and now he can write and read his name (we'll be working on doing that in Greek and Hebrew soon). Christmas vacation was a blast as I got to see a bunch of family. Courage just started a gymnastics class that she attends with her mom, and I started an online course for the winter inter-term (it's the life of Christ). I am looking forward to more classes when the semester starts in February, and I am looking forward to playing some more inter-mural soccer.
I think that is everything important for now.
Here are some pictures in no particular order.


Dave Owen said...

All right. You have already equaled your number of posts for 2009