Monday, January 28, 2008

Brave New Mike

I have discovered the acme of the internet. The World Wide Web has reached its telos. I now know what this thing was truly created for. Guitar videos on Youtube. Say what you like about the internet being a great research tool for scholars, or that it bridges the gap between people groups the world over. These things do not compare to the overall grandeur that is produced by really good guitar playing anytime of the day with the touch of a button. Not only does this have a great intrinsic value, but it has practical value as well. It has made me better at guitar, and has given me more drive to practice my music. I turned to Samantha the other day and said, "I am going to get rid of all frivolous activities in my life so that I have more time to practice guitar." She just smiled. Then I said, "Yeah, I couldn't think of any frivolous activities that I partake in that I could get rid of either." And now classes have started. I guess we really were made for eternity. That's about the right amount of time one really needs for guitar playing.